Saturday, April 12, 2008

One day before my next exam for sociology, two of my classmates suddenly approached me, grinning. They started asking me whether I could get them the problems for the next exam. I believed I already curled my eyebrow that time… It turned out that they thought I was cheating on my last exam! They asked me my grade for the last exam which was an A, while I finished the 60 multiple choice problems exam for less than 15 minutes. They happened to suspect that I worked in Computer Lab had anything to do with where our professor actually composed the exam.

So, I told them that professors actually had their own computer lab to compose the exams, not the computer lab that students could use. By the time I was about to make it clear that they were, well, pretty rude, dared to ask that kind of question to me with their funny looking face, they didn’t apologize (duh!) but kinda backed off and well, ‘ran away’ with embarrassment…

Thinking back about that, sometimes I thought I would snap in normal circumstances. But that time I thought my brain didn’t work properly because watching those two dudes with their funny looking face and assumption, it was hilarious if not rude. It was really amazing that people’s assumption can be so blunt as how the rudest assumption sounds too stupidly funny.

At the end, I did the second test less than 20 minutes and got an A again. By the time I got out of the class, I felt satisfied. I don’t know why though. Maybe because I wanted to show them that my grades were not forged. I believe they will not dare to ask me similar question again.

The Day when the Power of the Tiger Is Unleashed

Two thumbs up for Tibet for their courage and intelligence of creating a havoc and chaos for their independence over China in one of the most celebrated event that has the attention of the whole world on it, the Olympic. Now China has to work hard to press down the courageous action of Tibetans in order to maintain her sovereignty and pride in front of the world. But it turns out that China's effort to solve this matter quickly doesn't happen. The day for the opening ceremony has drawn nearer as time flows when the Tibetans use this momentum to draw the attention of the whole world towards them, in the name of human rights. And yes, their effort is not futile as a lot of people and human rights activists respond greatly upon this matter and demand the independence of Tibet from the big, super-power People of Republic of China. Tibet thinks that they can be independent with the help of the world... No, actually they will regret they have ever tried to anger and unleashed the fury of the sleeping tiger of China.

There are several reasons why they will not and they will never get their independence for their action. First, China is a super-power of the world, the second after the U.S. (by a little bit of margin down which will make them the same with the U.S. in the near future), and the veto holder as one of the main member of UN's Security Council. We know that, even the U.S. doesn't mess with China. China is also one of the foundation of world's economy and their economy is intertwined with U.S.' economy from all aspects. Even though our democratic president candidates curse China's iron hand action towards Tibet and press Bush for not attending the opening ceremony of Olympic in Beijing, we know better. Bush can't afford to clearly declare a war on China by hurting Beijing's pride by not coming. The consequence is bigger than we can imagine. And believe it or not, even though they curse it, Obama and Clinton also know about this fact. But as the U.S. we should as least shows our affection towards the oppressed despite the fact that, well, we will not intervene with anything that has something to do with China. No, we are not afraid of China, but so does China. We respect each other and the balance of the two super-powers in this world has to be maintained.

Second, the reaction of the people in the world in Paris, London, and San Francisco, actually is severing Tibet's situation, without them realizing it and still think of it their momentum. They are really wrong. We don't expect that China will back off and give Tibet their independence because of the pressure of the world. They haven't in the past, and they will never in the future. Instead, China now is raging with fury over Tibet for staining their face and pride in front of the whole world in the Olympic that is supposes to lift China's image in front of the other countries. As China has done their best to make sure that they finish the matter as quickly and silently as possible, but if it still doesn't work, China will definitely annihilate Tibet without mercy, even if that means they have to host the Olympic with hands stained with blood. Because of Tibet's (audacious) action and people's overreaction, the Olympic doesn't matter anymore. China will take down Tibet at any cost and maintain their pride and power. With this, even if they will be shunned by the world for a while, they will still maintain the power and dignity as the superpower. China can't afford to pull back from their action because it means that they don't have the power. That's that last thing China will want to happen.

The worst case scenario, there will be another slaughter like Tiananmen Massacre. Never once China will show their weakness because of people's protest. The one at lost will be Tibet. Only them, no one else. England and German planned not to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic. China could care less about that, they are no longer the greatest empire of the world or the big powerful NAZI lunatics. All that matters is the U.S. government. Even kids know, there will be nothing good and beneficial coming out of the opposition between the super-powers. Maybe adults should play Command and Conquer: Generals by EA so that they can understand more about the fact and the truth of how world works.